Green Avocado Topped Salad
This is a great go to side salad to serve as a dinner party side for freshness or along side any meal. Full of tomatoes, cucumber and salad leaves it is both fresh tasting and full of delicious crunchy textures.

Serves - 4-6 Prep time - 10 mins cook time - 0
a bag of salad leaves
1 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil
half a lemon juiced
half a cucumber diced
3 good quality medium tomatoes diced
10g of parsley roughly chopped
10g of mint leaves roughly chopped
1 avocado sliced
black pepper
1. Place the diced cucumber, tomatoes, parsley and leaves in a large salad bowl.
2. In a cup add the olive oil, lemon juice and a grind of black pepper, mix and pour over the salad and gently coat the leaves.
3. Place the avocado and mint on top of the salad and serve.
